Thanks for checking out our pricing. We used to require folks to call us for pricing so that we could take the time to more fully answer their questions and caution them as to some of the pit falls of buying on price. We now address much of this else where on our site, along with links to resources and suggested search queries to allow the informed consumer to do their own independent research.
Despite this attempt at full disclosure, we would prefer to have you call with any questions or concerns, or if you just don't want to wade through our site to get the answers you need. Our premier personalized services starts with your call.
The ride is normally approximately 1 hour. However, we suggest you block out three hours for the total adventure. Set up, pack up, pre-flight / post-flight formalities and transportation back to the launch field, require about three hours.
Post ride celebrations feature a Champagne toast (or non-alcoholic carbonated grape juice toast) and a commemorative pin.
All of the prices below assume a private ride for your group. You wont be asked to fly with folks you don't know or may not get along with.
Sightseeing Flight Pricing
Private ride for two people | $450.00 / person | $900.00 Total |
Private ride for party of three people | $420.00 / person | $1,260.00 Total |
Private ride for party of four people | $390.00 / person | $1,560.00 Total |
Tipping is not required, but greatly appreciated; tip money is used to reward the volunteer crew with Ice Cream, Dinner out, Jackets, Hats shirts, and the like. Suggested tip amount is 5% if we exceed your expectations.
Tether Flight Pricing
We offer balloon tether (tied to the ground) rides for large groups. Please call us for availability and pricing.